y en presencia de los testi
gos de asistencia, recivi
Juramento que lo hizo
por Dios ntro Senor
y una Cruz segun dro
so cuyo cargo prometio
decir verdad, y examina
do al tenor del auto cave
za de proseso y cita que
le hace Francisca Creolla
su hija y Venus
negra ambas esclavas
y Dijo que la noche
gos de asistencia, recivi
Juramento que lo hizo
por Dios ntro Senor
y una Cruz segun dro
so cuyo cargo prometio
decir verdad, y examina
do al tenor del auto cave
za de proseso y cita que
le hace Francisca Creolla
su hija y Venus
negra ambas esclavas
y Dijo que la noche
and in the presence of the
attesting witnesses, I received
the Oath that he gave
by God our Lord
and a Cross according to law
under which he promised
to tell the truth, and asked
in accordance with this initial
case hearing and the quote that
is attributed to him by the Creole Francisca,
his daughter, and the black Venus
both slaves
and He said that on
attesting witnesses, I received
the Oath that he gave
by God our Lord
and a Cross according to law
under which he promised
to tell the truth, and asked
in accordance with this initial
case hearing and the quote that
is attributed to him by the Creole Francisca,
his daughter, and the black Venus
both slaves
and He said that on
Previous document:
Declaration of Francisca (July 9, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Pedro Chamba (July 9, 1791)