se juntarian los de este Puesto
y que no havia nesecidad
de mas naciones que al ins
tante fue el Declarante a la
Cavana de la referida
Venus y le conto todo lo
que pasava, para que
previniese a su amo, la
qual fue a advertir a
francisca esclava de D.n
Jorge Olivo que estava
en compania de Jorge su
Padre y Pedro Negros
ambos tambien esclavos
y que no havia nesecidad
de mas naciones que al ins
tante fue el Declarante a la
Cavana de la referida
Venus y le conto todo lo
que pasava, para que
previniese a su amo, la
qual fue a advertir a
francisca esclava de D.n
Jorge Olivo que estava
en compania de Jorge su
Padre y Pedro Negros
ambos tambien esclavos
those of this Post would join in
and that there would be no need
of any other nations that the Declarant then
immediately went to the said
Venus’ hut and told her everything
thathad happened so that she would warn her master, she
then went and told
Francisca slave of Don
Jorge Olivo who was in the company of
Jorge her father and Pedro
both also Black slaves
and that there would be no need
of any other nations that the Declarant then
immediately went to the said
Venus’ hut and told her everything
thathad happened so that she would warn her master, she
then went and told
Francisca slave of Don
Jorge Olivo who was in the company of
Jorge her father and Pedro
both also Black slaves
Previous document:
Declaration of Venus (July 9, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Francisca (July 9, 1791)