"quelques blancs ou gens de couleur libre qui se fussent mellé dans ce complot, ou qui lui eussent parlé de cette [prétendue] liberté il a repondu que non.
N'ayant plus rien à dire & entendu lire sa déclaration, il a dit être la pure vérité qu'il est agé d'environ trente ans, ne sachant signer l'avons fait avec l'assesseur & les témoins d'assistance de tout quoi donnons foi
Signé Duparc Vahamonde G Serrano J B Beavais J Jarreau P Hubert"
N'ayant plus rien à dire & entendu lire sa déclaration, il a dit être la pure vérité qu'il est agé d'environ trente ans, ne sachant signer l'avons fait avec l'assesseur & les témoins d'assistance de tout quoi donnons foi
Signé Duparc Vahamonde G Serrano J B Beavais J Jarreau P Hubert"
"some whites or free people of color who had involved themselves in this conspiracy, or who had spoken of this alleged liberty to him he replied no.
Having nothing more to say and hearing his statement read, he has said it to be the pure truth, he is around thirty years old, not knowing how to sign we have done it with the assessor and the attending witnesses to all which we give authority.
Signed Duparc Vahamonde G Serrano J B Beavais J Jarreau P Hubert"
Having nothing more to say and hearing his statement read, he has said it to be the pure truth, he is around thirty years old, not knowing how to sign we have done it with the assessor and the attending witnesses to all which we give authority.
Signed Duparc Vahamonde G Serrano J B Beavais J Jarreau P Hubert"
Previous document:
Declaration of Petit Pierre [Dufour] (May 10, 1795)
Next document:
Declaration of Tham [Poydras] (May 10, 1795)