"[sic] Jumeaux a Veuve Lacour & Jean Bambarra négre l'esclave au Sr [Paton] lui en avait parlé plusieurs fois pour l'engager à etre du complot---observant que les principaux chefs, étaient Jean Baptiste Commandeur & Antoine Sarrasin, et qu'il leur avait dit qu'il était prêt, et qu'il leur avait dit cela de peur qui ne le tuasse et ce qu'il a empéché de même d'en parler à son maître et au Commandant et que les négres du second complot, se [sic] de lui n'avait pas voulu lui en parler, pour que lorsque Joseph Mina, esclave du Sr Poédras avait parlé de ce dit complot à [Hoain] esclave du même maître il lui avait recommandé de ne pas eu"
"[one called] Jumeaux of Widow Lacour and Jean Bambarra negro slave of Sr [Paton] he had spoken to him many times to involve him to be in the conspiracy--noticing that the principal leaders were Jean Baptiste commander and Antoine Sarrasin, and that he had told them that he was ready, and that he had told them that [he feared that he would not kill {need better translation}] and it also prevented him from talking to his master and to the Commandant and that the negros of the second conspiracy,
[sic] had not wanted to talk to him, because when Joseph Mina, slave of Sr Poédras had talked about the said conspiracy to [Sic] slave of the same master he had recommended to him to not"
[sic] had not wanted to talk to him, because when Joseph Mina, slave of Sr Poédras had talked about the said conspiracy to [Sic] slave of the same master he had recommended to him to not"
Previous document:
Declaration of Petit Pierre [Dufour] (May 10, 1795)
Next document:
Declaration of Tham [Poydras] (May 10, 1795)