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sion que le interogo no estaba presente el D.n
Agustin con lo demas que tiene referido, y que
quando los blancos les preguntaron si querian
levantarse y matarlos, como respondian que
no les daban golpes: que tambien los queria y
persuadir de que los havia aprehendido la
patrulla, siendo asi que su mismo amos los
havian entregado gustandoles de___abajo, y
que ultimamente el mismo D.n Agustin le
havia dicho al citado Cofi, que tiempo havia que
sabia que los Negros Minas querian levan
tarse, a que dice Cofi le contesto entonces, que
si el dicho D.n Agustin lo sabia, el no con lo
qual se concluyo esta diligencia, y en cuyo con
tenido se afirmaron expresando el dicho
D.n Agustin es cierto lo que tiene expuesto
en su declaracion, y ambos expresaron
ser la verdad en cargo del juramento que
occasion that he was questioned Don Agustin was not
present with the rest that has been said, and that
when the whites asked them if they wanted
to rise up and kill them, how could they respond
without getting hit: that also they wanted to
persuade them that the patrol had apprehended
them, being such that their own masters
had turned them in wanting them to __ below, and
that the same Don Agustin had told
the said Cofi recently, that he had know nfor a
while that the Minas Blacks wanted to revolt,
to which Cofi says he answered then, that
if the said Don Agustin knew it, he did not with which
this hearing concluded, and the contents of which
were confirmed with the said Don Agustin saying that
what he had related in his declaration
was true, and both said it was
the truth under the oath
