su espada puesta la mano derecha en
ella bajo del qual ofrecio decir verdad en
lo que fuere preguntado: y despues al dicho Ne
gro Cofi quien lo hizo por Dios en cuya
existencia dixo creia, executandolo ambos
por medio de los quatro interpretes nom
brados en esta Causa a saber, D.n Juan
Josef Duforest, D.n Daniel Mortimer
para traducir del Ydioma frances al Es
pañol, y Antonio Cofi, y Juan Bautista
Cupidon Negros libres, para hazerlo
del de la Nacion Mina al frances. Y ha
viendo el mismo D.n Agustin Allain pre
guntado al Negro Cofi en el idioma fran
ces sino era cierto que el havia dicho al
Comandante D.n Valentin Leblanc a
presencia del que declara que si los blan
cos queria matar a los Negro Minas
ella bajo del qual ofrecio decir verdad en
lo que fuere preguntado: y despues al dicho Ne
gro Cofi quien lo hizo por Dios en cuya
existencia dixo creia, executandolo ambos
por medio de los quatro interpretes nom
brados en esta Causa a saber, D.n Juan
Josef Duforest, D.n Daniel Mortimer
para traducir del Ydioma frances al Es
pañol, y Antonio Cofi, y Juan Bautista
Cupidon Negros libres, para hazerlo
del de la Nacion Mina al frances. Y ha
viendo el mismo D.n Agustin Allain pre
guntado al Negro Cofi en el idioma fran
ces sino era cierto que el havia dicho al
Comandante D.n Valentin Leblanc a
presencia del que declara que si los blan
cos queria matar a los Negro Minas
his sword with his right hand on
it under which he promised to tell the truth as
he was asked: and then to the said Black
Cofi who gave it by God in whose
existence he said he believes, both doing so
by way of the four interpreters appointed
in this Trial, namely, Don Juan
Josef Duforest, Don Daniel Mortimer
to translate from the French Language to Spanish,
and Antonio Cofi, and Juan Bautista
Cupidon free Blacks, to do so
from the language of the Mina Nation to French. And
with the said Don Agustin Allain having
asked the Black Cofi in the French language
if what he had said to the
Commander Don Valentin Leblanc in the presence
of the declarant was true that if the
whites wanted to kill the Minas Blacks
it under which he promised to tell the truth as
he was asked: and then to the said Black
Cofi who gave it by God in whose
existence he said he believes, both doing so
by way of the four interpreters appointed
in this Trial, namely, Don Juan
Josef Duforest, Don Daniel Mortimer
to translate from the French Language to Spanish,
and Antonio Cofi, and Juan Bautista
Cupidon free Blacks, to do so
from the language of the Mina Nation to French. And
with the said Don Agustin Allain having
asked the Black Cofi in the French language
if what he had said to the
Commander Don Valentin Leblanc in the presence
of the declarant was true that if the
whites wanted to kill the Minas Blacks
Previous document:
Testimony of Pedro Pedesclaux (December 22, 1792)