y no al Negro Cesar, era malo, pero que
tambien si mataban a Cesar era bueno; por
que este desde el año pasado que comenzaron a
sembrar al añil los etaba persuadiendo a le
vantarse y matar los blancos; respondio el Ne
gro Cofi que no: y repreguntado por medio
de los Ynterpretes que era lo que le
interrogaba D.n Augustin Alain dixo: el
Negro Cofi que lo que le preguntaba era, sino
era cierto que el Comandante D.n Valentin
Leblanc le havia preguntado, si los Negros
Minas querian levantarse, y matar los
blancos, y que el le respondio que no, y que en
tonces no estaba presente el dicho D.n Agustin
Alain, en cuya circuntancia convino este, ex
presando que en realidad no se hallo presente
en aquella occasion. Y vuelto a reconvenir
el citado Cofi por los Ynterpretes Minas
tambien si mataban a Cesar era bueno; por
que este desde el año pasado que comenzaron a
sembrar al añil los etaba persuadiendo a le
vantarse y matar los blancos; respondio el Ne
gro Cofi que no: y repreguntado por medio
de los Ynterpretes que era lo que le
interrogaba D.n Augustin Alain dixo: el
Negro Cofi que lo que le preguntaba era, sino
era cierto que el Comandante D.n Valentin
Leblanc le havia preguntado, si los Negros
Minas querian levantarse, y matar los
blancos, y que el le respondio que no, y que en
tonces no estaba presente el dicho D.n Agustin
Alain, en cuya circuntancia convino este, ex
presando que en realidad no se hallo presente
en aquella occasion. Y vuelto a reconvenir
el citado Cofi por los Ynterpretes Minas
but not the Black Cesar, it was bad, but that if
they also killed Cesar it was good;
because from last year when they began to
plant the indigo he had been persuading them to
rise up and kill the whites; the Black Cofi responded
no: and asked again through
the Interpreters what it was that
Don Agustin Alain asked the Black
Cofi said: that what he asked him, if it was not
true that the Commander Don Valentin
Leblanc had asked him, if the Minas
Blacks wanted to revolt, and kill the
whites, and that he said that no, and that at
that time the said Don Agustin Alain was not
present, which fact the latter agreed with, saying
that in reality he was not present
on that occasion. And returning to the counterclaim against
the said Cofi through the Minas Interpreters
they also killed Cesar it was good;
because from last year when they began to
plant the indigo he had been persuading them to
rise up and kill the whites; the Black Cofi responded
no: and asked again through
the Interpreters what it was that
Don Agustin Alain asked the Black
Cofi said: that what he asked him, if it was not
true that the Commander Don Valentin
Leblanc had asked him, if the Minas
Blacks wanted to revolt, and kill the
whites, and that he said that no, and that at
that time the said Don Agustin Alain was not
present, which fact the latter agreed with, saying
that in reality he was not present
on that occasion. And returning to the counterclaim against
the said Cofi through the Minas Interpreters
Previous document:
Testimony of Pedro Pedesclaux (December 22, 1792)