En la Ciudad de la Nueva Orleans a veinte y
quatro de Diciembre de mil set.os Noventa y dos
años estando en la Sala de su estudio el Señor
Dr. D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal Theniente Gober
nador, y Auditor de Guerra de esta Provincia
y Asesor general del Gobierno de ella hizo
comparecer a su presencia D.n
quatro de Diciembre de mil set.os Noventa y dos
años estando en la Sala de su estudio el Señor
Dr. D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal Theniente Gober
nador, y Auditor de Guerra de esta Provincia
y Asesor general del Gobierno de ella hizo
comparecer a su presencia D.n
In the City of New Orleans on the twenty
fourth of December seventeen Ninety two
being in his Study Señor
Doctor Don Nicolas Maria Vidal Lieutenant
Governor, and Judge-Advocate of this Province
and general Advisor to its government made
appear in his presence Don
fourth of December seventeen Ninety two
being in his Study Señor
Doctor Don Nicolas Maria Vidal Lieutenant
Governor, and Judge-Advocate of this Province
and general Advisor to its government made
appear in his presence Don
Previous document:
Confrontation of Augustin Allain and Cofi [Christe] (December 22, 1792)