mo D.n Agustin havia relacionado en su decla
racion en que desde luego se ratifica, con lo
qual se concluyo esta diligencia, en cuyo contenido
se afirmaron y ratificaron leida que les
fue por medio de los enunciados Ynterpretes
expresando estar conforme han expuesto y
ser la verdad en cargo del juramento que han
prestado, que son de la edad que tienen declara
da y firmo su mrd con los dichos D.n Agustin
e Ynterpretes frances, lo que no hicieron el
Negro Juan Luis, y los Ynterpretes Minas por
no saber de que doy fee
Vidal Au. Allain
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
pedro Pedesclaux
racion en que desde luego se ratifica, con lo
qual se concluyo esta diligencia, en cuyo contenido
se afirmaron y ratificaron leida que les
fue por medio de los enunciados Ynterpretes
expresando estar conforme han expuesto y
ser la verdad en cargo del juramento que han
prestado, que son de la edad que tienen declara
da y firmo su mrd con los dichos D.n Agustin
e Ynterpretes frances, lo que no hicieron el
Negro Juan Luis, y los Ynterpretes Minas por
no saber de que doy fee
Vidal Au. Allain
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
pedro Pedesclaux
Don Agustin had related in his declaration
which he then confirmed, with which
this hearing concluded, the contents of which
were confirmed and verified as read to them
through the said Interpreters
saying that it was in agreement with what they had said and
was the truth under the oath they had
given, and that they were the age they had declared
and his honor signed with the said Don Agustin
and French Interpreters, which the Black Juan
Luis, and the Minas Interpreters did not do because
they did not know how which I attest
Vidal Augustin Allain
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Before me
pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
which he then confirmed, with which
this hearing concluded, the contents of which
were confirmed and verified as read to them
through the said Interpreters
saying that it was in agreement with what they had said and
was the truth under the oath they had
given, and that they were the age they had declared
and his honor signed with the said Don Agustin
and French Interpreters, which the Black Juan
Luis, and the Minas Interpreters did not do because
they did not know how which I attest
Vidal Augustin Allain
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Before me
pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Confrontation of Augustin Allain and Cofi [Christe] (December 22, 1792)