respondio que tenia cochinos, y otras cosas
que los venderian y comprarian lo necesa
rio: se explico el dicho Negro Juan Luis en
terminos que manifestaban haver compre
hendido bien lo que se le preguntaba y se ad
virtio que el dicho D.n Agustin entendia iqual
mente lo que el Negro contestaba; pero ex
preso el citado Negro Juan Luis que no
era cierto que el huviese dicho tal cosa
al comandante, sino que haviendole pregun
tado este a presencia del mismo D.n Agustin
sino era verdad, que Jaco y los otros Negros
Minas querian levantarse y matar los
blancos, le havia respondido que no: Y oida
su contestacion por el referido D.n Agustin
Allain dixo: que era falso lo que exponia
el Negro Juan Luis, y que por el contra
rio era cierto, y verdadero quanto el mis
que los venderian y comprarian lo necesa
rio: se explico el dicho Negro Juan Luis en
terminos que manifestaban haver compre
hendido bien lo que se le preguntaba y se ad
virtio que el dicho D.n Agustin entendia iqual
mente lo que el Negro contestaba; pero ex
preso el citado Negro Juan Luis que no
era cierto que el huviese dicho tal cosa
al comandante, sino que haviendole pregun
tado este a presencia del mismo D.n Agustin
sino era verdad, que Jaco y los otros Negros
Minas querian levantarse y matar los
blancos, le havia respondido que no: Y oida
su contestacion por el referido D.n Agustin
Allain dixo: que era falso lo que exponia
el Negro Juan Luis, y que por el contra
rio era cierto, y verdadero quanto el mis
responded that they had pigs, and other things
that they would sell them and buy the necessary
things: the said Black Juan Luis spoke in
terms that showed he had understood
well what he had been asked and it was clear
that the said Don Agustin understood just as well
what the Black answered; but the said
Black Juan Luis said that it was not
true that he had said such a thing
to the commander, but that the latter had asked
him in the presence of the same Don Agustin
if it was not true, that Jaco and the other Minas
Blacks wanted to rise up and kill the
whites, he had responded that no: And
having heard this answer the said Don Agustin
Allain said: that what the Black Juan
Luis said was false, and that on the contrary
it was true, and truthful what the same
that they would sell them and buy the necessary
things: the said Black Juan Luis spoke in
terms that showed he had understood
well what he had been asked and it was clear
that the said Don Agustin understood just as well
what the Black answered; but the said
Black Juan Luis said that it was not
true that he had said such a thing
to the commander, but that the latter had asked
him in the presence of the same Don Agustin
if it was not true, that Jaco and the other Minas
Blacks wanted to rise up and kill the
whites, he had responded that no: And
having heard this answer the said Don Agustin
Allain said: that what the Black Juan
Luis said was false, and that on the contrary
it was true, and truthful what the same
Previous document:
Confrontation of Augustin Allain and Cofi [Christe] (December 22, 1792)