Juan Luis, quien lo hizo por dios en cuya exis
tencia cree executandolo ambos por medio
de los quatro Ynterpretes nombrados en esta
Causa a saber D.n Juan Josef Duforest, y
D.n Daniel Mortimer para traducer del idio
ma frances al Español, y Antono Cofi, y Juan
Bautista Cupidon Negros libres, para hazerlo
de la Nacion Mina al frances. Y haviendo el
mismo D.n Agustin Allain preguntado al Ne
gro Juan Luis en el idioma frances sino era
cierto que el havia dicho al comandante D.n
Valentin Leblanc a presencia del que declara
que el Negro Jaco havia hablado como una
vieja baca, pues lo que se decia una vez se
havia de sostener, y que Jaco lo havia exi
tado a levantarse y matar los blancos, y que
Juan Luis le contestó que como podia ser eso,
quando no tenia armas, y que Jaco le
tencia cree executandolo ambos por medio
de los quatro Ynterpretes nombrados en esta
Causa a saber D.n Juan Josef Duforest, y
D.n Daniel Mortimer para traducer del idio
ma frances al Español, y Antono Cofi, y Juan
Bautista Cupidon Negros libres, para hazerlo
de la Nacion Mina al frances. Y haviendo el
mismo D.n Agustin Allain preguntado al Ne
gro Juan Luis en el idioma frances sino era
cierto que el havia dicho al comandante D.n
Valentin Leblanc a presencia del que declara
que el Negro Jaco havia hablado como una
vieja baca, pues lo que se decia una vez se
havia de sostener, y que Jaco lo havia exi
tado a levantarse y matar los blancos, y que
Juan Luis le contestó que como podia ser eso,
quando no tenia armas, y que Jaco le
Juan Luis, who gave it by god in whose existence
he believes both doing so by way of
the four Interpreters named in this
Trial namely Don Juan Josef Duforest, and
Don Daniel Mortimer to translate from the French
language to Spanish, and Antonio Cofi, and Juan
Bautista Cupidon free Blacks, to do so
from that of the Mina Nation to French. And with the said
Don Agustin Allain having asked the Black
Juan Luis in the French language if it was not
true that he had said to the commander Don
Valentin Leblanc in the presence of the declarant
that the Black Jaco had spoken like an
old cow, since what he said once
time he had to maintain, and that Jaco had incited
him to rise up and kill the whites, and that
Juan Luis answered him how could this be,
when they did not have weapons, and that Jaco
he believes both doing so by way of
the four Interpreters named in this
Trial namely Don Juan Josef Duforest, and
Don Daniel Mortimer to translate from the French
language to Spanish, and Antonio Cofi, and Juan
Bautista Cupidon free Blacks, to do so
from that of the Mina Nation to French. And with the said
Don Agustin Allain having asked the Black
Juan Luis in the French language if it was not
true that he had said to the commander Don
Valentin Leblanc in the presence of the declarant
that the Black Jaco had spoken like an
old cow, since what he said once
time he had to maintain, and that Jaco had incited
him to rise up and kill the whites, and that
Juan Luis answered him how could this be,
when they did not have weapons, and that Jaco
Previous document:
Confrontation of Augustin Allain and Cofi [Christe] (December 22, 1792)