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sobre que no era eso lo que le havia pregun
tado el D.n Agustin, dixo el Negro Cofi, que
lo demas no lo havia entendio. Y en esta virtud
se le expresó al Negro Cofi por los Ynterpe
tes Minas que lo que decia D.n Agustin Allain;
era que en su presencia havia dicho Cofi ante
el Comandante que si trataban de matar a
los Negros Minas, y no al Negro Cesar era
malo, pero que si mataban tambien a Cesar
era buen; a lo qual respondio Cofi, que el no se
ha dicho tal cosa al Comandante ni este le pre
gunto mas que lo que ha expuesto arriba de
si los Negros Minas querian matar los blan
cos y que le respondio que no, en cuya ocasion
no se hallaba presente el D.n Agustin Allain
pero que este despues por enganarlo le dixo:
que porque si sabia que los Negros Minas
querian matar los blancos no se le dixo:
about the fact that this was not what Don
Agustin had asked him, the Black Cofi said, that
he did not understand the rest. And in light of this
the Black Cofi was told through the Minas
Interpreters that what Don Agustin Allain said;
was that in his presence Cofi had said before
the Commander that if they tried to kill the
Minas Blacks, and not the Black Cesar it was
bad, but that if they also killed Cesar
it was good; to which Cofi responded, that he had
not said such a thing to the Commander nor did the latter ask
him more than what he had said above that
if the Minas Blacks wanted to kill the whites
and that he answered him that no, on which occasion
Don Agustin Alain was not present
but that afterwards the latter told him to trick him
that why if he knew that the Minas Blacks
wanted to kill the whites he did not tell:
