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de su estudio el Señor D.r D.n Nicolas Maria
Vida Theniente Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra
de esta Provincia y Asesor general del Gobierno
de ella hizo comparecer a su presencia a D.n
Agustin Allain Capitan de Milicias y al
Negro nombrado Cofi esclavo de Jacinto Chis
tes para la diligencia prevenida de carearlos
y que el dicho D.n Augustin le preguntase sobre
lo que ha dicho haver expuesto el citado Negro
Cofi ante el Comandante que fue del Pues
to de Punta Cortad D.n Valentin Leblanc
hallandose ally el mismo D.n Agustin, y que le
explique al Negro Cofi en frances sus in
terrogaciones a fin de verificar se este
las entiende y contesta: para lo qual primera
mente recivio juramento su Mrd por ante
mi el Escrivano al mencionado D.n Agustin
Allain, quein lo hizo por Dios y la Cruz de
Study the Señor Doctor Don Nicolas Maria
Vida Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate
of this Province and general Advisor to its Government
made appear in his presence Don
Agustin Allain Captain of the Militia and the
Black named Cofi slave of Jacinto Chistes
for the planned proceeding of putting them face to face
and that the Don Agustin ask him about
what he said the aforementioned Cofi related
before Don Valentin Leblanc who was
Commander of the Post of Punta Cortada
with the said Don Agustin being present, and that he
ask his questions to the Black Cofi in French
in order to verify if he understands
them and answers: for which purpose his
Honor first received the oath before
me the Scribe from the aforementioned Don Agustin
Allain, who gave it by God and the Cross of
