por aora lo practicado en este acto se concluyo la
presente diligencia con reserva de continuar los
Careos con los demas si fuere necesario; Y haviendo
se le ledio al expresado Diego Ortiz en Español
y a los quatro Negros citados por medio de los
Ynterpretes a cada uno por separado lo que res
pectivamente han expuesto, dixeron que esta
conforme a lo que han declarado y que es la
verdad en cargo del juramento que tienen he
cho en que se afirmaron y ratificaron ex
presando ser de la edad que han significado
en sus anteriores declaraciones: No firmaron
los dichos quatro Negros, ni los Ynterpretes de su
nacion por no saber, y lo hizo Su Mrd con
el mencionado Diego Ortiz y los otros dos Ynter
pretes de que doy fee = = P = v.e
Nicolas M.a Vidal Diego Ortiz
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Ante mi
Pedro Pedesclaux
presente diligencia con reserva de continuar los
Careos con los demas si fuere necesario; Y haviendo
se le ledio al expresado Diego Ortiz en Español
y a los quatro Negros citados por medio de los
Ynterpretes a cada uno por separado lo que res
pectivamente han expuesto, dixeron que esta
conforme a lo que han declarado y que es la
verdad en cargo del juramento que tienen he
cho en que se afirmaron y ratificaron ex
presando ser de la edad que han significado
en sus anteriores declaraciones: No firmaron
los dichos quatro Negros, ni los Ynterpretes de su
nacion por no saber, y lo hizo Su Mrd con
el mencionado Diego Ortiz y los otros dos Ynter
pretes de que doy fee = = P = v.e
Nicolas M.a Vidal Diego Ortiz
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Ante mi
Pedro Pedesclaux
for now that which took place in this hearing the
current proceeding was concluded with the reservation that if
it were necessary the confrontations would be continued with the rest; And having
read to the said Diego Ortiz in Spanish
and to the four aforementioned Blacks by way of the
Interpreters to each one separately what each had
said, they said that it is
in agreement with what they had declared and that it is the
truth under the oath that they had
given which they confirmed and ratified saying
that they are the age they had said
in their previous declarations: The said
four Blacks did not sign, nor the Interpreters of their
nation because they did not know how, and HIs Honor with
the said Diego Ortiz and the other two Interpreters
signed which I attest= the correction = P = is valid
Nicolas Maria Vidal Diego Ortiz
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
current proceeding was concluded with the reservation that if
it were necessary the confrontations would be continued with the rest; And having
read to the said Diego Ortiz in Spanish
and to the four aforementioned Blacks by way of the
Interpreters to each one separately what each had
said, they said that it is
in agreement with what they had declared and that it is the
truth under the oath that they had
given which they confirmed and ratified saying
that they are the age they had said
in their previous declarations: The said
four Blacks did not sign, nor the Interpreters of their
nation because they did not know how, and HIs Honor with
the said Diego Ortiz and the other two Interpreters
signed which I attest= the correction = P = is valid
Nicolas Maria Vidal Diego Ortiz
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Declaration of Diego Ortiz, continued (November 30, 1792)