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acaba de exponer el Negro Jacob? dixo: Que
quando el citado Negro estaba preso, lo condujo
como a los demas el mismo Ortiz a presencia del
Comandante quando se le tomo su declaracion
y que se quedo a la puerta oyendo todo el contenido
de esta, y que es falsa lo que en contrario dice
el referido Negro y responde----
Y en este estado, havindose su Mrd mandado reti
ra al Negro Jacob, hizo comparecer a su pre-
sencia al Negro Cofi esclavo de Jacinto Chistes,
a quien por medio de los Ynterpretes referidos
recivio juramento que hico por Dios en cuya
existencia cree bajo del qual prometio decir
verdad en lo que fuere preguntado, y haviendolo
sido por el mismo Diego Ortiz sobre las primeras
preguntas de su declaracion de foxas quarenta
y quatro vuelta, se reconocio que ni el Negro
entendia perfectamente a Ortiz ni este a
aquel lo que respondia: por lo qual mando
S Mrd que por los Yntepretes de su
Black Jacob has just said? said: That
when the aforementioned Black was detained, he, Ortiz,
brought him as well as the rest into the presence of the
Commander when he took his declaration
and that he remained at the door listening to all the contents
of it, and that what the said Black says
that contradicts it is false and he responds--
And at this stage, with his Honor having ordered that
the Black Jacob be taken away, he had the Black Cofi
slave of Jacinto Chistes appear in his presence,
from whom by way of the aforementioned Interpreters
he received the oath that he gave by God in whose
existence he believes under which he promised to tell
the truth as he was asked, and having been
asked by the same Diego Ortiz about the first few
questions of his declaration on the back of page forty
four, it was noted that the Black did not
perfectly understood Ortiz and nor did the latter understand
what the former responded: for which reason His Honor
ordered that he be interrogated about a few points
of his declaration through the Interpreters of
