los Ynterpretes, y por ante mi el Escrivano recivi
juramento que hizo por Dios en cuya existen
cia cree bajo del qual ofrecio decir verdad
en lo que supiere y fuere preguntado: y siend
dolo en la propria forma que el antecedente
resulto lo mismo, expresando Diego que
solamente le entendia algunas palabras, por
que aora no habla tan claro el idioma fran-
ces como lo hablaba en el puesto de Punta
Preguntado el mismo Negro Jaco si
quando se le tomo su declaracion asistio a
ella Diego Ortiz que esta presente? dixo: que
no estuvo presente mas que el Comandante
y el que escribia y que no vio a Diego Ortiz
sino quando se le llevaba la comida y res-
Ynmediamente mando su Mrd retirar
al mencionado negro Jaco, y para el proprio
fin hizo comparecer al Negro Juan Luis
juramento que hizo por Dios en cuya existen
cia cree bajo del qual ofrecio decir verdad
en lo que supiere y fuere preguntado: y siend
dolo en la propria forma que el antecedente
resulto lo mismo, expresando Diego que
solamente le entendia algunas palabras, por
que aora no habla tan claro el idioma fran-
ces como lo hablaba en el puesto de Punta
Preguntado el mismo Negro Jaco si
quando se le tomo su declaracion asistio a
ella Diego Ortiz que esta presente? dixo: que
no estuvo presente mas que el Comandante
y el que escribia y que no vio a Diego Ortiz
sino quando se le llevaba la comida y res-
Ynmediamente mando su Mrd retirar
al mencionado negro Jaco, y para el proprio
fin hizo comparecer al Negro Juan Luis
the Interpreters, and before me the Scribe received
the oath that he gave before God in whose existence
he believes under which he agreed to tell the truth
as he knew it and was asked: and being asked
in the same way as before the results
were the same, with Diego Ortiz saying that
he only understood a few words, because
now he does not speak the French language
as clearly as he spoke it on the post of Punta
The same Black Jaco was asked if
when they took his declaration the same
Diego Ortiz who is now present attended it? he said: that
no one was present except the Commander
and he who was writing and that he did not see Diego Ortiz
except when he brought him food and he
Immediately his Honor ordered that the said
black Jaco be taken away, and for the same
purpose he had the Black Juan Luis
the oath that he gave before God in whose existence
he believes under which he agreed to tell the truth
as he knew it and was asked: and being asked
in the same way as before the results
were the same, with Diego Ortiz saying that
he only understood a few words, because
now he does not speak the French language
as clearly as he spoke it on the post of Punta
The same Black Jaco was asked if
when they took his declaration the same
Diego Ortiz who is now present attended it? he said: that
no one was present except the Commander
and he who was writing and that he did not see Diego Ortiz
except when he brought him food and he
Immediately his Honor ordered that the said
black Jaco be taken away, and for the same
purpose he had the Black Juan Luis
Previous document:
Declaration of Diego Ortiz, continued (November 30, 1792)