nacion se le interrogase sobre algunos puntos
de su declaracion y que diera las respuestas
en frances, como se executo asi, y resulto que
el citado Ortiz no comprehendia bien
lo que contestaba el dicho Negro Cofi, expre
sando en vista de esto el mencionado Ortiz
que en el puesto de Punta Cortada hablaba
este Negro mejor el frances que aora, y
que le entendio bien quanto declaro ante
el Comandante----
Preguntado el Negro Cofi si quando
el Comandante de Punta Cortada le tomo
su declaracion, asistio a ella el mismo Die
go Ortiz que tiene aqui presente? dixo: Que
no lo yio sino quando le llevaba la comida,
y responde----
Succesivamente mando su Mrd retirar
al Negro Cofi, y para el proprio efecto hi
zo comparecer al Negro Jaco esclavo de
Santiago Fabre a quien por medio de
de su declaracion y que diera las respuestas
en frances, como se executo asi, y resulto que
el citado Ortiz no comprehendia bien
lo que contestaba el dicho Negro Cofi, expre
sando en vista de esto el mencionado Ortiz
que en el puesto de Punta Cortada hablaba
este Negro mejor el frances que aora, y
que le entendio bien quanto declaro ante
el Comandante----
Preguntado el Negro Cofi si quando
el Comandante de Punta Cortada le tomo
su declaracion, asistio a ella el mismo Die
go Ortiz que tiene aqui presente? dixo: Que
no lo yio sino quando le llevaba la comida,
y responde----
Succesivamente mando su Mrd retirar
al Negro Cofi, y para el proprio efecto hi
zo comparecer al Negro Jaco esclavo de
Santiago Fabre a quien por medio de
his nation and that he give his responses
in French, since it was done this way, and it turned out that
the said Ortiz did not understand well
what the said Black Cofi answered,
in view of this fact the aforementioned Ortiz said
that on the post of Punta Cortada this Black
spoke French better than now, and
that he understood him well when he spoke before
the Commander--
The Black Cofi was asked if when
the Commander of Punta Cortada took
his declaration, the same Diego Ortiz who is now
present attended it? he said: That
he did not see him except when he brought him food,
and he responds--
Then his Honor ordered that the Black
Cofi be taken away, and for the same purpose he
had the Black Jaco slave of Santiago Fabre
appear who by way of
in French, since it was done this way, and it turned out that
the said Ortiz did not understand well
what the said Black Cofi answered,
in view of this fact the aforementioned Ortiz said
that on the post of Punta Cortada this Black
spoke French better than now, and
that he understood him well when he spoke before
the Commander--
The Black Cofi was asked if when
the Commander of Punta Cortada took
his declaration, the same Diego Ortiz who is now
present attended it? he said: That
he did not see him except when he brought him food,
and he responds--
Then his Honor ordered that the Black
Cofi be taken away, and for the same purpose he
had the Black Jaco slave of Santiago Fabre
appear who by way of
Previous document:
Declaration of Diego Ortiz, continued (November 30, 1792)