frances por el orden que se hallan escritas en la
citada declaracion se reconocio en las primeras
que no podia interrogarle perfectamente el dicho
Ortiz en el idioma frances diciendo que el no era
Ynterprete para traducir, y que aunque no ha
blaba muy bien el frances para preguntas, ha
via entendido bien las respuestas de este Negro
y de los otros como entendia y comprehendia quando
se hablaba el frances: En cuya virtud dispuso su
Mrd que por alguno de los circunstantes se le
fuere preguntado al dicho Negro, y que el referido
Ortiz explicase sus respuestas; y se noto en este
acto que el Negro no entendia algunas razo
nes o palabras si las contenidas en las preguntas
y que el citado Ortiz no comprehendio muchas
de sus respuestas, expreseando este que en el
Puesto de Punta Cortada entendio bien lo
que dixo este Negro porque hablaba mejor
el frances que aora: sobre que se le reconocio
citada declaracion se reconocio en las primeras
que no podia interrogarle perfectamente el dicho
Ortiz en el idioma frances diciendo que el no era
Ynterprete para traducir, y que aunque no ha
blaba muy bien el frances para preguntas, ha
via entendido bien las respuestas de este Negro
y de los otros como entendia y comprehendia quando
se hablaba el frances: En cuya virtud dispuso su
Mrd que por alguno de los circunstantes se le
fuere preguntado al dicho Negro, y que el referido
Ortiz explicase sus respuestas; y se noto en este
acto que el Negro no entendia algunas razo
nes o palabras si las contenidas en las preguntas
y que el citado Ortiz no comprehendio muchas
de sus respuestas, expreseando este que en el
Puesto de Punta Cortada entendio bien lo
que dixo este Negro porque hablaba mejor
el frances que aora: sobre que se le reconocio
language in the order that they are written in the
said declaration it was understood in the first few
that the said Ortiz could not interrogate him perfectly
in the French language saying that he was not an Interpreter
to translate, and that although he did not speak
French very well for questions, he had
understood well this Black’s answers
and those of the others as he heard and understood when
one spoke French: By virtue of which his Honor decreed
that one of those present should question
the said Black, and that the said
Ortiz was to explain his responses; and it was noted in this
report that the Black did not understand any phrases
or words contained in the questions
and that the said Ortiz did not understand many
of his responses, the latter saying that on the
Post of Punta Cortada he understood well what
this Black said because he spoke French better
than now: about which it was noted
said declaration it was understood in the first few
that the said Ortiz could not interrogate him perfectly
in the French language saying that he was not an Interpreter
to translate, and that although he did not speak
French very well for questions, he had
understood well this Black’s answers
and those of the others as he heard and understood when
one spoke French: By virtue of which his Honor decreed
that one of those present should question
the said Black, and that the said
Ortiz was to explain his responses; and it was noted in this
report that the Black did not understand any phrases
or words contained in the questions
and that the said Ortiz did not understand many
of his responses, the latter saying that on the
Post of Punta Cortada he understood well what
this Black said because he spoke French better
than now: about which it was noted
Previous document:
Declaration of Diego Ortiz, continued (November 30, 1792)