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esta su declaracion y que de la otra solo
es verdad aquello en que esta conforme con
la presente, pues estando en su juicio no podia
haber asegurado que Ysaac Fastio havia
asistido como Ynterprete a dichas declara-
ciones siendo falso y responde----
Preguntado si quando se tomaban sus
declaraciones a los Negros a los quales
ha dicho antes que solo asistieron el Co
mandante el Excribano, D.n Fernando
Rodriguez, y el declarante se hallaron
presentes por Casualidad algunas otras per
sonas y si estas se impusieron de las
preguntas y respuestas que hacian?
dixo: Que solian entrar y salir algu
nos habitantes pero que estos no se ins
struyeron de nada y responde----
Y que lo que ha dicho y declarado es la
verdad en cargo del juramento que ha
this his declaration and that the only parts of the other
that are true are those that agree with
the present declaration, since in his judgement he could not
have confirmed that Ysaac Fastio had
attended the said declarations as Interpreter
which was false and he responds--
Asked if when the declarations of the
Blacks were taken which
he has said before were only attended by the
Commander, the Scribe, Don Fernando
Rodriguez, and the declarant did anyone
else find himself there by Chance
and if they knew the questions
and responses that they made?
he said: That some inhabitants would
enter and leave but that they did not
hear anything and he responds--
And that what he has said and declared is the
truth under the oath that he
