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de si por un insulto de la Sangre que le sufoco
la Cabeza de que es viciado el declarante y le
acometio al tiempo de entrar a esa diligencia
y responde, añadiendo que puede justificarse
que inmediatamente fue preciso sangrar al
declarante, como le ha sucedido tambien en
estos dias al bajar para esta Ciudad, viendose
obligado a regresar desde el Camino al Puesto
de Punta Cortada y responde.
Preguntado si podra hazer memoria
de que expuso lo que contas en la citada su de
claracion que corre a foxas trescientas trein
ta y siete y si es cierto su contenido y suya
la firma que en ella aparace, a cuyo fin se
le leyo en este acto? dixo: Que la firma que apa
rece en dicha declaracion la reconoce por suya;
pero que no sabe si dixo lo que en ella se
contiene, por el motivo que ha expresado arri
ba y que lo cierto es lo que leida? referido en
himself because of an illness of the Blood which made his
Head fuzzy which affects the declarant and overcame
him at the time he was to enter the hearing
and he responds, adding that he can prove
that immediately it was necessary for the declarant
to be bled, as has happened to him as well
these last few days after coming down to the City, seeing himself
obliged to return from the Road to the Post
of Punta Cortada and he responds.
Asked if he can remember
what he said which appears in the said
declaration which begins on page three hundred
thirty seven and if its contents are true and if it the
signature that appears there is his, for which purpose
it has been read to him in this hearing? he said: That the signature that appears
on the said declaration he recognizes to be his own;
but that he does not know if he said what is contained in
it, for the reason which he has expressed above
and how true is what was read? one is referred to
