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tambien este ultimo ha declarado a presencia
del Señor Gobernador el dia veinte de Setiembre
del corriente año que el declarante y el otro tes-
tigo de asistencia asistian a ratos, y otros ratos
salian o juntos o separados a sus quehaceres,
y volvian, y que se se econtraban alli quando
se acababa alguna declaracion la firmaban
y si no lo hacian despues en las que estaban
de acuerdas? dixo: Que en falso lo que han expues
to D.n Fernando Rodriguez y la Negra Venux
pues el declarante presencio como testigo de asis
tencia todas las declaraciones de los Negros que
ha citado antes y responde----
Preguntado por que no firmaba cada
declaracion luego que se concluya, sino que
las firmo todas quando le puso presente pa-
ra ello el proceso el Comandante segun tiene
referrido: Y si este proceso en que puso sus
firmas es el mismo que se hizo, y formó quan
also the latter has declared in the presence
of the Governor on the twentieth of September
of the current year that the declarant and the other
attesting witness attended from time to time, and at other times
left either together or separately for their duties,
and returned, and that if they were there when
a declaration ended they signed it
and if not they did it afterwards was he in
agreement? he said : That what Don Fernando
Rodriguez and the Black Venux have said is false
since the declarant attended as attesting witness
all the declarations of the Blacks who
he named earlier and he responds--
Asked why he did not sign every
declaration after it ended, but rather that
he signed all when the Commander
presented them to him for the record as
he has said: And if this report he signed
is the same that was was made, and written down when
