de los Negros examinados por el Comandante
es lo que ellos realmente expusieron en aquel
acto y que a todas se hallo presente el que res
ponde quando los mismo Negros en las decla
raciones que dieron ante el Señor Theniente
Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra han asegurado
con juramento que no expusieron lo que aparece
en ellas escrito, y alguños añaden que ni aun se
les recivieron declaraciones a cuyo fin se le
ha instruido al exponente de las que dieron en
esta Ciudad? dixo: Que es falso lo que han decla
rado los mencionados Negros, pues se les tom
ron sus deposiciones a presencia del que res
ponde en los terminos que ha referido aunque
no comprehendio las contestaciones de algunos
de ellos sino las de los otros que hablaban tal qual
el frances como tiene dicho y responde----
Preguntado: Que si no asistio a todas la
declaraciones que se hallan extendidas
es lo que ellos realmente expusieron en aquel
acto y que a todas se hallo presente el que res
ponde quando los mismo Negros en las decla
raciones que dieron ante el Señor Theniente
Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra han asegurado
con juramento que no expusieron lo que aparece
en ellas escrito, y alguños añaden que ni aun se
les recivieron declaraciones a cuyo fin se le
ha instruido al exponente de las que dieron en
esta Ciudad? dixo: Que es falso lo que han decla
rado los mencionados Negros, pues se les tom
ron sus deposiciones a presencia del que res
ponde en los terminos que ha referido aunque
no comprehendio las contestaciones de algunos
de ellos sino las de los otros que hablaban tal qual
el frances como tiene dicho y responde----
Preguntado: Que si no asistio a todas la
declaraciones que se hallan extendidas
of the Blacks examined by the Commander
is what they really said in that
hearing and that the declarant was present for all of them
when the same Blacks in the declarations
that they gave before the Señor Lieutenant
Governor and Judge-Advocate have claimed
under oath that they did not say what appears
written there, and some even add that no declaration
was received from them for which purpose
the declarant has been informed of the declarations they gave in
this City? he said: That what the aforementioned Blacks
declared is false, since their depositions
were taken in the presence of the declarant
in the words that have been referenced although
he did not understand the answers of some
of them but he did understand the answers of others who spoke so-so
French as he has said and he responds--
Asked: That if he did not attend all the
declarations which were reported
is what they really said in that
hearing and that the declarant was present for all of them
when the same Blacks in the declarations
that they gave before the Señor Lieutenant
Governor and Judge-Advocate have claimed
under oath that they did not say what appears
written there, and some even add that no declaration
was received from them for which purpose
the declarant has been informed of the declarations they gave in
this City? he said: That what the aforementioned Blacks
declared is false, since their depositions
were taken in the presence of the declarant
in the words that have been referenced although
he did not understand the answers of some
of them but he did understand the answers of others who spoke so-so
French as he has said and he responds--
Asked: That if he did not attend all the
declarations which were reported