en el proceso, sino solamente a las de los Ne
gros que ha referido; porque las firmo como
testigo? dixo: Que las firmo todas porque quan
do para que lo hiciera le puso presente el
proceso el Comandante D.n Valentin Leblanc
le dixo este al declarante que eran las decla
raciones que havia presenciado de los Ne-
gros, y que siendo un oficial de honor lo
creio, persuadiendose que no le havia de hazer
firmar unas diligencias q que no havia con
currido y responde----
Preguntado como afirma haverse hallado
presente a todas las declaraciones de los Negros
que ha especificado por sus nombres quando
la Negra Venus ha expuesto con juramento
en la de foxas doscientas cinquenta y cinco vuel
ta que al tiempo de dar la suya no huvo
presentes otras personas que el Comandan
te, su Esposa, y D.n Fernando Rodriguez y
gros que ha referido; porque las firmo como
testigo? dixo: Que las firmo todas porque quan
do para que lo hiciera le puso presente el
proceso el Comandante D.n Valentin Leblanc
le dixo este al declarante que eran las decla
raciones que havia presenciado de los Ne-
gros, y que siendo un oficial de honor lo
creio, persuadiendose que no le havia de hazer
firmar unas diligencias q que no havia con
currido y responde----
Preguntado como afirma haverse hallado
presente a todas las declaraciones de los Negros
que ha especificado por sus nombres quando
la Negra Venus ha expuesto con juramento
en la de foxas doscientas cinquenta y cinco vuel
ta que al tiempo de dar la suya no huvo
presentes otras personas que el Comandan
te, su Esposa, y D.n Fernando Rodriguez y
in the proceedings, but only those of the Blacks
which he has mentioned; why did he sign them
as a witness? he said: That he signed all of them because
when the proceedings were presented to him in order that he
do so the Commander Don Valentin Leblanc
said to the declarant that they were the declarations of the
Blacks at which he had been present,
and that being an honorable official he believed
him, persuading himself that he would not be made
to sign records of proceedings he had not
attended and he responds--
Asked since he confirms having been
present at all the declarations of the Blacks
he has specified by their names when
the Black Venus said under oath
on the back of page two hundred fifty
five that at the time of giving her declaration no one
was present except the Commander,
his Wife, and Don Fernando Rodriguez and
which he has mentioned; why did he sign them
as a witness? he said: That he signed all of them because
when the proceedings were presented to him in order that he
do so the Commander Don Valentin Leblanc
said to the declarant that they were the declarations of the
Blacks at which he had been present,
and that being an honorable official he believed
him, persuading himself that he would not be made
to sign records of proceedings he had not
attended and he responds--
Asked since he confirms having been
present at all the declarations of the Blacks
he has specified by their names when
the Black Venus said under oath
on the back of page two hundred fifty
five that at the time of giving her declaration no one
was present except the Commander,
his Wife, and Don Fernando Rodriguez and