do se tomaraon las declaraciones de que lleva
hecha mencion? dixo: Que no firmo cada de
claracion quando se concluya; por que
no se lo mando el Comandante; y que el
proceso que se hizo quando se tomaron las
declaraciones se escribio por D.n Fernando
Rodriguez de su propria letra y que el
que le puso presente el Comandante al ex-
ponente para que firmara se halla de
letra del dicho Comandante, sin que el de
clarante haya sabido por que motivo
se hizo este y responde----
Preguntado si se acuerda haver he
cho una declaracion ante mi el presen
te Escrivano en le Puesto de Punta Cor
tada? dixo: que se acuerda haver compa
recido para dar una declaracion ante
mi el presente Escribano pero que no
sabe lo que dixo, por que estaba algo fuera
hecha mencion? dixo: Que no firmo cada de
claracion quando se concluya; por que
no se lo mando el Comandante; y que el
proceso que se hizo quando se tomaron las
declaraciones se escribio por D.n Fernando
Rodriguez de su propria letra y que el
que le puso presente el Comandante al ex-
ponente para que firmara se halla de
letra del dicho Comandante, sin que el de
clarante haya sabido por que motivo
se hizo este y responde----
Preguntado si se acuerda haver he
cho una declaracion ante mi el presen
te Escrivano en le Puesto de Punta Cor
tada? dixo: que se acuerda haver compa
recido para dar una declaracion ante
mi el presente Escribano pero que no
sabe lo que dixo, por que estaba algo fuera
the aforementioned declarations
were taken? he said: That he did not sign each
declaration when it was over; because
the Commander did not order him to do so; and that the
report made when they took
the declarations was written by Don Fernando
Rodriguez in his own hand and that which
the Commander presented to the declarant
so that he sign it was in the
handwriting of said Commander, but the declarant
did not know why this was
done and he responds--
Asked if he remembers having made
a declaration before me the present
Scribe on the Post of Punta Cortada?
he said: that he remembers having appeared
to give a declaration before
me the present Scribe but that he does
not know what he said, because he was not quite
were taken? he said: That he did not sign each
declaration when it was over; because
the Commander did not order him to do so; and that the
report made when they took
the declarations was written by Don Fernando
Rodriguez in his own hand and that which
the Commander presented to the declarant
so that he sign it was in the
handwriting of said Commander, but the declarant
did not know why this was
done and he responds--
Asked if he remembers having made
a declaration before me the present
Scribe on the Post of Punta Cortada?
he said: that he remembers having appeared
to give a declaration before
me the present Scribe but that he does
not know what he said, because he was not quite