la de Pedro de Gabriel Rufat a foxas sesenta y siete
vuelta; dixo: Que son las mismas declaraciones que
dieron a presencia del que responde los citados
Negros y que lo que consta extendido en ellas
es lo que realmente expusieron, y responde----
Y en este estado por ser ya la una de la tarde
mando Su Mrd suspender esta diligencia
para continuarla despues; y haviendosele
leido al declarante expuso estar en todo confor-
me ha expuesto, en cuyo contenido se afirmo
y ratifico expresando ser todo la verdad ba
jo el juramento que ha prestado, que es de
edad de quarenta años y la firmo con su
Mrd dicho Señor Theniente Gobernador de
que doy fee----
Vidal Diego Ort.z
Ante mi
pedro Pedesclaux
vuelta; dixo: Que son las mismas declaraciones que
dieron a presencia del que responde los citados
Negros y que lo que consta extendido en ellas
es lo que realmente expusieron, y responde----
Y en este estado por ser ya la una de la tarde
mando Su Mrd suspender esta diligencia
para continuarla despues; y haviendosele
leido al declarante expuso estar en todo confor-
me ha expuesto, en cuyo contenido se afirmo
y ratifico expresando ser todo la verdad ba
jo el juramento que ha prestado, que es de
edad de quarenta años y la firmo con su
Mrd dicho Señor Theniente Gobernador de
que doy fee----
Vidal Diego Ort.z
Ante mi
pedro Pedesclaux
that of Gabriel Rufat’s Pedro on the back of page sixty
seven; he said: That these are the same declarations that
the aforementioned Blacks gave in the presence of the
declarant and that what appears in them
is what they really said, and he responds--
And at this point because it was already one in the afternoon
His Honor ordered this hearing to be suspended
and continued later; and having
read the proceedings to the declarant he said it was all in
agreement with what he said, the contents of which he confirmed
and verified saying it was all the truth under
the oath he gave, that he is forty years
old and he signed with his
Honor said Señor Lieutenant Governor
which I attest--
Vidal Diego Ortiz
Before me
pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
seven; he said: That these are the same declarations that
the aforementioned Blacks gave in the presence of the
declarant and that what appears in them
is what they really said, and he responds--
And at this point because it was already one in the afternoon
His Honor ordered this hearing to be suspended
and continued later; and having
read the proceedings to the declarant he said it was all in
agreement with what he said, the contents of which he confirmed
and verified saying it was all the truth under
the oath he gave, that he is forty years
old and he signed with his
Honor said Señor Lieutenant Governor
which I attest--
Vidal Diego Ortiz
Before me
pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Notification of Diego Ortiz (December 3, 1792)
Next document:
Declaration of Diego Ortiz, continued (November 30, 1792)