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proprio contestaron ellos: Y que el declarante en
tendia bien lo que se les interrogaba y las respuestas
de algunos de los citados Negros que hablaban
tal qual el frances, mas no las de los otros que
se explicaban muy mal, y que por lo tanto no
puede decir si estos ultimos havian comprehen
dido perfectamente lo que se les preguntaba;
y solo puede aseguarlo de los primeros, por lo
que advirtio de sus contestaciones; y responde----
Preguntado: Quien era el que los interroga-
ba a los Negros cuando fueron examinados
para sus declaraciones? dixo: Que era el
Comandante de aquel Puesto d.n Valentin Le-
blanc y responde----
Preguntado si ademas del declarante
huvo otro testigo de asistencia para recivir
las expresadas declaraciones? Quien era
este? Si se hallo presente a todas? Si huvo Yn
terprete? Quien lo fue? Y si tambien se halló
answered in the same language: And that the declarant
understood well what they were asked and the responses
of some of the said Blacks who spoke
so-so French, but not the responses of the others who
spoke very badly, and that therefore he
cannot say if the latter group understood
perfectly what they were asked;
and can only confirm it for the former, by
what he understood from their answers; and he responds--
Asked: Who was it who interrogated
the Blacks when they were examined
for their declarations? he said: That it was the
Commander of that Post don Valentin
Leblanc and he responds--
Asked if other than the declarant
there was another attesting witness to receive
the said declarations? Who was
it? If he was present at all of them? If there was an
Interpreter? Who was it? And also if he was
