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del proceso que se refiere en la pregunta y que
las firmas que en el aparecen, y se le han puesto
presentes en este acto que dicen Diego Ort.z son
todas proprias del declarante y de su puño
y letra, y responde-----
Preguntado que supuesto que firmo como
testigo de asistencia las referidas diligencias
segun ha dicho, se hallava presente a to-
das las declaraciones de los testigos, que en
ellos se expresan y en tal caso diga en que
idiomas se explicaban estos, y si el expo-
nente entendio bien lo que se les pregunta
ba y lo ellos respondian y conocio
que lo comprehendian perfectamente?
dixo: Que se hallo presente como tal tes-
tigo de asistencia a todas las declaracio-
nes de los Negros que constant en este
proceso, pero a las de los blancos: Que
a los dichos Negros se les hicieran las pre-
guntas en idioma frances, y que en el
of the proceedings referred to in the question and that
the signatures that appear there, and which have been
presented here which say Diego Ortiz are
all those of the declarant and from his hand and in his
handwriting, and he responds--
Asked that given that he signed as
attesting witness the said proceedings
as he has said, he was present at all
the declarations of the witnesses, who
spoke at them and in that case will he say in which
language they spoke, and if the declarant
understood well what they were asked
and what they responded and did he recognize
that they understood perfectly?
he said: That he was present as said attesting
witness at all the declarations
of the Blacks which appear in this
proceeding, but for those of the whites: That
they questioned the said Blacks
in the French language, and that they
