respuestas de los Negros o para hazerles
alguna pregunta que aquellos no le com-
prehendian llamaba a su Negro nombrado
Rigodon de Nacion Mina y este servia de
ynterprete y responde
Y vuelta a reconvenir el citado Negro Luis
sobre la asistencia de este Ynteprete Ri-
godon, dixo: que es falso huviese estado pre-
sente y no conformandose reo y tgo se con-
cluyo esta diligencia en cuyo contenido se
afirmaron y ratificaron leida que les fue al
dho D.n Fernando por mi el y al Negro
Luis por medio de los quatro referidos Ynter-
pretes expresando estar conforme a lo que
han expuesto y ser la verdad en
Cargo del Juramento que han
prestado que son de la edad que
tienen declarada y firmo dicho Rodriguez
alguna pregunta que aquellos no le com-
prehendian llamaba a su Negro nombrado
Rigodon de Nacion Mina y este servia de
ynterprete y responde
Y vuelta a reconvenir el citado Negro Luis
sobre la asistencia de este Ynteprete Ri-
godon, dixo: que es falso huviese estado pre-
sente y no conformandose reo y tgo se con-
cluyo esta diligencia en cuyo contenido se
afirmaron y ratificaron leida que les fue al
dho D.n Fernando por mi el y al Negro
Luis por medio de los quatro referidos Ynter-
pretes expresando estar conforme a lo que
han expuesto y ser la verdad en
Cargo del Juramento que han
prestado que son de la edad que
tienen declarada y firmo dicho Rodriguez
responses of the Blacks or in order to ask them
a question that they did not
understand he called his Black called
Rigodo of the Mina Nation and he served as
interpreter and he responds
And again the named Black Luis being faced
with the attendance of this Interpreter
Rigodon, he said: that it is false that he was present
and the prisoner and witness not being in agreement
this proceeding ended the contents of which were
confirmed and ratified as read to the
said Don Fermando by me the Scribe and to the Black
Luis by way of the said four Interpreters
saying that it was in agreement with what they
had said and was the truth under
the Oath that they had
given that they are the age that they
had declared and the said Rodriguez signed
a question that they did not
understand he called his Black called
Rigodo of the Mina Nation and he served as
interpreter and he responds
And again the named Black Luis being faced
with the attendance of this Interpreter
Rigodon, he said: that it is false that he was present
and the prisoner and witness not being in agreement
this proceeding ended the contents of which were
confirmed and ratified as read to the
said Don Fermando by me the Scribe and to the Black
Luis by way of the said four Interpreters
saying that it was in agreement with what they
had said and was the truth under
the Oath that they had
given that they are the age that they
had declared and the said Rodriguez signed