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y contesta procediendo primeramente como
se verifico a recivir Juramento al Negro Juan
Luis por medio de los quatro Ynterpretes nom
brados quien lo hizo por Dios en cuya existen
cia cree, por ser cristiano prometiendo
decir verdad en lo que supiere y fuere pre
guntado verificandolo lo mismo en enun-
ciado D.n Fernando Rodriguez sin interpre
tes por Dios y la Senal de la Cruz Segun
derecho y haviendo el mismo Rodriguez
hecho la primera pregunta de la referida
declaracion en el expresado lenguage crio
llo, hasta la ultima, se conocio entender
las preguntas cortas y que se confunde
y responde categoricamente en las
largas refiriendose a lo que tiene con
fesado ante el Senor Theniente Gober
nador y Auditor de Guerra y en este
auto tuvo a bien Su Senoria hazer a
and answers proceeding first as
established by receiving the Oath from the Black Juan
Luis by way of the four named Interpreters
he gave it by God in whose existence
he believes, because he is Christian promising
to tell the truth as he knows it and is asked
the aforementioned Don Fernando Rodriguez affirmed
the same without interpreters
by God and the Sign of the Cross According to
law and the same Rodriguez having
asked the first question from the referenced
declaration in the aforementioned creole language,
to the last, it was clear that he understood
the short questions and that he gets confused
and responds categorically to the long ones
referring to what he had confessed
before the Lieutenant Governor
and Judge-Advocate in this
report his Honor deemed it proper to give
