que no conoce exceptuando a los hermanos
Alain por que el no dixo otra cosa que
lo que tiene confesado ante el dicho Senor
Theniente Gobernador y ratificado aora y
Reconvenido igualmente el referido
D.n Fernando Rodriguez con lo que el Negro
tiene declarado dixo: que puede ser tomase
la pluma para hacer algun apunte
que es falso todo lo demas declarado por el
Negro Juan Luis que se remite a lo que
tiene dicho y se comprobara citadas por
el Comandante y D.n Terencia Leblanc ana
diendo que por olvido no havia explica
do ante como tambien por no haver se
le preguntado que quando el Comandan
te no comprehendia alguna cosa de las
Alain por que el no dixo otra cosa que
lo que tiene confesado ante el dicho Senor
Theniente Gobernador y ratificado aora y
Reconvenido igualmente el referido
D.n Fernando Rodriguez con lo que el Negro
tiene declarado dixo: que puede ser tomase
la pluma para hacer algun apunte
que es falso todo lo demas declarado por el
Negro Juan Luis que se remite a lo que
tiene dicho y se comprobara citadas por
el Comandante y D.n Terencia Leblanc ana
diendo que por olvido no havia explica
do ante como tambien por no haver se
le preguntado que quando el Comandan
te no comprehendia alguna cosa de las
who he does not know except for the Alain brothers
because he did not say anything besides
that which he confessed before the said
Lieutenant Governor and confirmed now and
he responds--
The aforementioned Don Fernando Rodriguez
faced also with what the Black
said he had declared: that perhaps he took
the pen to make a note
that all the rest declared by the
Black Juan Luis is false that one is referred to what
he had said and what is confirmed in the
declarations of the persons named by
the Commander Don Terencia Leblanc
adding it was because he forgot that he had not
explained before and also because he had not been
asked that when the Commander
did not understand something in the
because he did not say anything besides
that which he confessed before the said
Lieutenant Governor and confirmed now and
he responds--
The aforementioned Don Fernando Rodriguez
faced also with what the Black
said he had declared: that perhaps he took
the pen to make a note
that all the rest declared by the
Black Juan Luis is false that one is referred to what
he had said and what is confirmed in the
declarations of the persons named by
the Commander Don Terencia Leblanc
adding it was because he forgot that he had not
explained before and also because he had not been
asked that when the Commander
did not understand something in the