En el mismo dia mes y año
hize comparecer ante mi a
un negro preso en el calaboso
de este fuerte por esta causa
de quien por medio de dho
Ynterprete y en presencia
de los testigos de Asistencia
le recivi juramento que lo
hizo por Dios ntro Senor
y una cruz segun dro
so cuyo cargo prometia
decir verdad y se le hicie
ron las preguntas siguient----
hize comparecer ante mi a
un negro preso en el calaboso
de este fuerte por esta causa
de quien por medio de dho
Ynterprete y en presencia
de los testigos de Asistencia
le recivi juramento que lo
hizo por Dios ntro Senor
y una cruz segun dro
so cuyo cargo prometia
decir verdad y se le hicie
ron las preguntas siguient----
On the same day month and year
I made appear before me
a black held in the cell
of this fort for this trial
from whom through the said
Interpreter and in the presence
of the Attesting witnesses
I received the oath that he
gave by God our Lord
and a cross according to law
under which he promised
to tell the truth and he was asked
the following questions--
I made appear before me
a black held in the cell
of this fort for this trial
from whom through the said
Interpreter and in the presence
of the Attesting witnesses
I received the oath that he
gave by God our Lord
and a cross according to law
under which he promised
to tell the truth and he was asked
the following questions--
Previous document:
Declaration of Thomas (July 12, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of L'Eveille [Robillard] (July 13, 1791)