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sobre si no havia oydo lo
que dijeron en el Baile
jaco y Zesar via pasar a
menudo por delante de la
puerta del declarante un
negro nombrado Jph nac.n
Chamba, criado entre los
Mina, y haviendole pre
guntado donde iba siempre
le respondio que iba a la
parte de Zesar y jacó a
buscar a Juan Luis y que
este no queria ir, y que
otra ocación el dho Jose
about if he had not heard
what jaco and Zesar said
at the Dance he saw that
a black named Joseph of the Chamba
nation, raised among the
Mina, passed often
before the declarant’s
door, and having asked
him where he was going all the time
he responded that he went on
Zesar and jacó’s behalf to
find Juan Luis and that
the latter did not want to go, and that
on another occasion the said Jose
