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Preguntado como se llama
de donde es natural que
edad estado y exercicio
tiene y quien es su amo
Dijo llamarse Thomas
Nacion Mina de edad de
viente y seis años soltero
exercicio labrador y esclavo
de la viuda Latendresse
y responde----
Preguntado quien lo pren
dio de orden de quien
por que causa o si la pre
sume Dijo que lo prendio
Asked what his name is
where he is from what
age condition and profession
he has and who is his master
He said his name is Thomas
of the Mina Nation twenty
six years old single
farmer by trade and slave
of the widow Latendresse
and he responds--
Asked who arrested
him on whose orders
for what reason or if he can
guess He said that he was arrested
