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Viuda Rovillard Zesar
Creolle Yngles de Jamaica
perteneciente al nombrado
Emable, Jaque al nombrado
Michel y responde.
Preguntado si en dho Vaile
no oyo algunas palabras
de levantarse los Mina
contra los blancos Dijo
que no oyo nada pero que
el Domingo siguiente le
dijo el dho Juan Luis al
Declarante sino havia oydo
lo que en el Baile Dije
ron Jacó y Zesar de juntarse
Widow Rovillard Zesar
English Creole from Jamaica
belonging to the said
Emable, Jaque to the said
Michel and he responds.
Asked if at said Dance
he did not hear some words
about the Mina revolting
against the whites He said
that he did not hear anything but that
the following Sunday the said
Juan Luis said to the
Declarant if he had not heard
what Jacó and Zesar
Said in the Dance about
