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devian haver los negros nac.n
Mina y Bambara contra
los Blancos Dijo que
aora que se le pregunta
es la primera ocacion que
lo save y responde. Y aun
que se le hicieron Varias
preguntas al caso tocantes
Dijo que no save otra cosa
que lo que ha declarado
que es la verdad en
cargo de su juramento
dho qu es de la edad
que tiene declarada no
the blacks of the Mina and Bambara nations
were going to carry out against
the Whites He said that
now that as he is asked
is the first time that
he is hearing about it and he responds. And
although he was asked Various
questions relating to the case
He said that he does not know anything
other than what he has declared
is the truth under
his oath
said that he is the age
he declared he did not
