Original Image
de Santiago Fabre y a Levei
lle tambien esclavo de dha
Viuda Rovillar y que
havia otras muchas perso
nas que no conocio y que
tampoco se acuerda quienes
eran y responde
Preguntado donde estubo
la noche del viernes
ocho del corriente Dijo
que dha noche no salio
de su Cavaña y responde
Preguntado si en dha no-
of Santiago Fabre and Leveille
also slave of the said
Widow Rovillar and that
there were many other people
that he did not know and that
neither does he remember who
they were and he responds
Asked where he was
the night of Friday
the eighth of the current month He said
that on said night he did not leave
his Hut and he responds
Asked if on the said night
