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che no tubo trato ni com
unicacion con la negra Aga
ta esclave de Enrique
Lagranche, con jaco escla
vo del nombrado Santiago
Fabre, ni con el negro Dique
esclavo del nombrado ter
nan Dijo que no los vio
ni ablo en dha noche
y responde
Preguntado si no ha oydo
hablar antes de la pricion
sobre el levantamiento que
he did not deal or communicate
with the black Agata
slave of Enrique
Lagranche, with jaco slave
of the said Santiago
Fabre, nor with the black Dique
slave of the said ternan
He said that he did not see
nor speak to them on said night
and he responds
Asked if he had not heard
tell before being detained
about the uprising that
