"déclarant lui ayant dit que non alors le dit grand Joseph, lui dit [comment] tu ne sais pas que les négres veulent se révolter a quoi il répondit non, & alors grand Joseph que les négres allaient se révolter et qu'il allait trouver son fusil chez le Sr [sic] Riché pour lui defendre d'aller a l'habitation du Sr Poédras, et qu'étant [sorti] il avait rentré de suite disant qu'il n'avait point trouvé son fusil, et qu'il n'avait rien dit a son maître n'y au commandant parce qu'il n'était pas [sur] du complot
N'ayant plus rien à dire et entendu lire sa déclaration"
N'ayant plus rien à dire et entendu lire sa déclaration"
"declarant told him no, so the said Grand Joseph, said to him why do you not know that the negros want to revolt to which he replied no, and so Grand Joseph that the negros are going to revolt and that he would find his gun at Sr. [sic] Riché's house to defend him to go to the plantation of Sr. Poédras, and being released, he had returned quickly saying that he had not found his gun, and that he had said nothing to his master nor to the commandant because he was not sure of the conspiracy
Having nothing more to say and listening to his declaration read"
Having nothing more to say and listening to his declaration read"
Previous document:
Declaration of Cesar [Léonard] (May 9, 1795)
Next document:
Act (May 10, 1795)