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"premier jour que l'on a fait la patrouille, et lui dit que l'on disait qu'une bande de négres qui voulaient tuer les blancs voulaient tuer aussi les negres de leur habitation comme étant dire poltrons, et quil y avait aussi quatre blancs qui ne lui avait pas nommés non plus que les négres et que le dit Pierre lui avait [sic] de fouiller cela, et que le soir il avait trouvé le nommé Grand Joseph Mina esclave du Sr Colin Lacour, et autres diverses choses que lui a dit, et lui dit qu'il allait chez le Sr [sic] Riché & lui ayant demandé lui déclarant à quil effet, il y allait, le dit G Joseph, lui dit tu ne sais pas l'affaire qu'il y a, et le dit"
"first day that he was on the patrol, and told him that it was said that a band of negros who wanted to kill the whites wanted also to kill the negros of their plantation, [that is to say cowards], and that there were also four whites who were not known to him nor the negros and that the said Pierre had [sic] him to search, and that night he found the man called Grand Joseph Mina slave of Sr. Colin Lacour, and various other things that he told him, and he told him that he went to Sr. [sic] Riché's house and having asked him [declaring to that effect], he was there, the said G Joseph, he told him you do not know the affair [that there is], and the said"
