pelear con los Franceses
Dijo que no y responde
Preguntado por que no
dio parte a su amo del
atentado que premeditava
jaco Dijo que no lo creyo
nesesario y responde y
aunque se le hicieron
otras preguntas y repre
guntas al caso tocantes Dijo
que no Savia otra cosa que
lo que lleva declarada por
ser la verdad en cargo de
Dijo que no y responde
Preguntado por que no
dio parte a su amo del
atentado que premeditava
jaco Dijo que no lo creyo
nesesario y responde y
aunque se le hicieron
otras preguntas y repre
guntas al caso tocantes Dijo
que no Savia otra cosa que
lo que lleva declarada por
ser la verdad en cargo de
to fight the French
He said that no and he responds
Asked why he did not
tell his master of the
attack that jaco
was planning He said that he did not think
it necessary and he responds and
although he was asked
other questions and repeated
questions relating to the case He said
that he did not Know anything other
than what he had declared to
be the truth under
He said that no and he responds
Asked why he did not
tell his master of the
attack that jaco
was planning He said that he did not think
it necessary and he responds and
although he was asked
other questions and repeated
questions relating to the case He said
that he did not Know anything other
than what he had declared to
be the truth under
Previous document:
Declaration of Cofi [Christe] (July 11, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Ata [copy] (July 12, 1791)