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Savado despues del Corpus
en la Cavaña de Juan Luis
esclavo de la Viuda Rovi
llar y responde
Preguntado si en dho vaile
oyo hablar sobre un levan
tamiento que los negros
Mina Devian hacer
contra los blancos Dijo
que si oyo hablar y
Preguntado quien hablava
Dijo que un negro nombra
do jaco esclavo de Santiago
Fabre, Dijo al declarante
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Saturday after Corpus
in the Hut of Juan Luis
slave of the Widow Rovillar
and he responds
Asked if during said dance
he heard talk about an
uprising that the Mina
blacks Were going to execute
against the whites He said
that yes he heard talk of it and he responds
Asked who spoke
He said that a black named
jaco slave of Santiago
Fabre, He said to the declarant
