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este Pais no es bueno si tu
quieres pelearemos con los
Franceses, a lo qual el Declaran
te le respondio que no, por
que los franceses no le
havian echo mal y resp.de
Preguntado quienes estavan
en dho Vaile Dijo que no
se acuerda mas que de jaco
y de Juan Luis y que
havia muchos Mina y res
Preguntado si no save el
dia que jaco queria
this Country is not good if you
want we will fight the
French, to which the Declarant
responded that no, because
the French had not done
him harm, and he responds
Asked who were
at said Dance He said that he does not
remember more than jaco
and Juan Luis and that
there were many Mina and
he responds
Asked if he does not know the
day that jaco wanted
