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armas para la execucion
del dho atentado Dijo
que no tiene conocimiento
de ello, y solo que
todos estavan confiados sobre
la palabra que havia dicho
Zesar al Declarante que
le enseñaria como los ne
gros Yngleses matavan
los blancos y responde
Y aunq. se le hicieron algunas
preguntas sobre el dia de
la execuc.n del echo y otras
al caso tocantes Dijo no
saver cosa alguna que
weapons for carrying out
the said attack He said
that he does not know
about it, and only that
they all trusted
what Zesar had said
to the Declarant that
he would show him how the
English blacks killed
the whites and he responds
And although he was asked some
questions about the day of
the event was to occur and others
relevant to the case He said that he did not
know any thing other than
