Preguntado quien lo prendio
porque causa o si la
presume. Dijo que lo
prendio una Patrulla
de milicias y condujo
a este fuerte dondo lo pu
sieron en un calaboso de
el, que ignora la causa
de su pricion y responde.
Preguntado si no concu
rrio el Savado despues del
Corpus a un baile
que dio Juan Luis esclavo
porque causa o si la
presume. Dijo que lo
prendio una Patrulla
de milicias y condujo
a este fuerte dondo lo pu
sieron en un calaboso de
el, que ignora la causa
de su pricion y responde.
Preguntado si no concu
rrio el Savado despues del
Corpus a un baile
que dio Juan Luis esclavo
Asked who captured him
for what reason or if he
can guess. He said that a
militia Patrol captured
him and led him
to this fort where they
put him in a cell,
that he does not know the cause
of his arrest and he responds.
Asked if he did not attend
the Saturday after
Corpus a dance
that Juan Luis the slave
for what reason or if he
can guess. He said that a
militia Patrol captured
him and led him
to this fort where they
put him in a cell,
that he does not know the cause
of his arrest and he responds.
Asked if he did not attend
the Saturday after
Corpus a dance
that Juan Luis the slave
Previous document:
Declaration of Caesar (July 11, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Jean-Louis (July 11, 1791)