le hicieron las preguntas
Preguntado como se llama
que edad, estado y exer
cicio tiene, de donde es
natural y quien es su
amo. Dijo llamarse
Francisco de edad de veinte
y siete anos poco mas o
menos, soltero, de exer
cicio Labrador Nacion
Mina y esclavo de
Jorge Bergeron y responde
Preguntado como se llama
que edad, estado y exer
cicio tiene, de donde es
natural y quien es su
amo. Dijo llamarse
Francisco de edad de veinte
y siete anos poco mas o
menos, soltero, de exer
cicio Labrador Nacion
Mina y esclavo de
Jorge Bergeron y responde
was asked the following
Asked what his name is
what is his age, condition and profession,
where he is
from and who is his
master. He said his name was
Francisco twenty seven
years old more or
less, single, Farmer by trade of the
Mina nation and slave of
Jorge Bergeron and he responds
Asked what his name is
what is his age, condition and profession,
where he is
from and who is his
master. He said his name was
Francisco twenty seven
years old more or
less, single, Farmer by trade of the
Mina nation and slave of
Jorge Bergeron and he responds
Previous document:
Declaration of Caesar (July 11, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Jean-Louis (July 11, 1791)