Fric Riché
Au poste de la pointe Coupée, le Vingt-cinquième
Jour du mois d’avril, mille sept-cent quatre Vingt
quinze, en vertu de l’ordre mis au bas de la requête
des sieurs françois mayeux, Etienne Major, &
Jean françois Porche sindics, nommés par les habitants
de ce district, est comparru par devant moi Guillaume
Duparc, Commandant Civil & militaire, en présence
des sieurs françois Allain, &t Simon Croiset témoins
d’assistance, le sieur frédéric Riché, habitant de
ce poste, Le quel a fait serment par Dieu notre
Seigneur & un signe de croix en forme de droit, de
déclarer ce qu’il m'a dit verbalement au sujet du
complot fait par les Esclaves de ce district contre
Leurs maitres _ a déclaré que_
Le neuf du courant a environ dix heures du Soir,
étant de patrouille, il s’aprocha doucement près
d’une cabane des nègres du sieur Goudeau et ayant
remarqué de la clarté et a fin de voir ceux qui y
etoient , il ouit dire au negre nommé Lucas qu’il
reconnut pour être Esclave du sieur Goudeau en
parlant au Nègre Louis Esclave du même maître
a qu’il falloit bien [prendre] garde de ne pas avoir
peur ce coup ici, & le négre Louis répétta au
troisième qui étoit Guillaume négre & Esclave de
la dame Veuve Jean Pierre Le Doux de ne pas non
plus avoir peur, auquel le dit guillaume répondit
que non, et qu’il savoit bien que tous ne pouvoient
pas avoir de fusils, et ayant un couteau
qu’il tenoit a la main, dit, c’est assés avec un bon
"Frédéric Riché
At Pointe Coupée post on April 25, 1795, in accordance with the order at the bottom of the petition of Messrs. François Mayeux, Etienne Major, and Jean François Porché, representatives appointed by the inhabitants of this district, Mr. Frédéric Riché, resident of this post, who took an oath to God our Lord, appeared before me, Guillaume Duparc, Civil and Military Commandant, in the presence of witnesses Messrs. François Allain and Simon Croiset, to tell what he told me verbally regarding the plot by slaves of this district against their masters. He said that:
On the ninth of this month at approximately 10 o’clock at night on patrol, having noticed the light, he quietly approached a cabin of Mr. Goudeau’s negros in order to see who was there. He heard the negro called Lucas, whom he recognized to be the slave of Mr. Goudeau, talking to the negro Louis, slave of the same master, saying that ““it was necessary to be careful not to be afraid of this coup, and the negro Louis repeated to the third, who was Guillaume, negro and slave of the widow Jean Pierre LeDoux, not to be afraid either, to which Guillaume answered that he wouldn’t, and that he knew that not everyone could have guns, and having a knife that he held in his hand, said it is enough to have a good
At Pointe Coupée post on April 25, 1795, in accordance with the order at the bottom of the petition of Messrs. François Mayeux, Etienne Major, and Jean François Porché, representatives appointed by the inhabitants of this district, Mr. Frédéric Riché, resident of this post, who took an oath to God our Lord, appeared before me, Guillaume Duparc, Civil and Military Commandant, in the presence of witnesses Messrs. François Allain and Simon Croiset, to tell what he told me verbally regarding the plot by slaves of this district against their masters. He said that:
On the ninth of this month at approximately 10 o’clock at night on patrol, having noticed the light, he quietly approached a cabin of Mr. Goudeau’s negros in order to see who was there. He heard the negro called Lucas, whom he recognized to be the slave of Mr. Goudeau, talking to the negro Louis, slave of the same master, saying that ““it was necessary to be careful not to be afraid of this coup, and the negro Louis repeated to the third, who was Guillaume, negro and slave of the widow Jean Pierre LeDoux, not to be afraid either, to which Guillaume answered that he wouldn’t, and that he knew that not everyone could have guns, and having a knife that he held in his hand, said it is enough to have a good
Previous document:
Declaration of Louis Riché (April 24, 1795)
Next document:
Declaration of Jean Baptiste Riché (April 25, 1795)