suceso lo que oido por el referido D.n Augustin
dixo que era falso lo que exponia el Negro
y que es verdad que a su presencia contesto
lo que tiene relacionado en su declaracion,
reconociendose en este acto, que el D.n Agus
tin entendia bien las respuestas que daba
el Negro en frances, y este las interrogaciones,
que aquel le hacia en el proprio idioma
con lo qual se concluyo esta diligencia en cuyo
contenido se afirmaron y ratificaron ambos
expresando estar en todo conforme, y ser la
verdad en cargo del juramento que han pres
tado que son de la edad que tienen declara
da y firmo su mrd con los dichos D.n Agustin
é Ynterpretes franceses, lo que no hicieron los de la
nacion Mina y el Negro Jaco por no saber
de que doy fee
Vidal Au. Allain Juan Josef Duforest
Dan.l Mortimer
Pedro Pedesclaux
dixo que era falso lo que exponia el Negro
y que es verdad que a su presencia contesto
lo que tiene relacionado en su declaracion,
reconociendose en este acto, que el D.n Agus
tin entendia bien las respuestas que daba
el Negro en frances, y este las interrogaciones,
que aquel le hacia en el proprio idioma
con lo qual se concluyo esta diligencia en cuyo
contenido se afirmaron y ratificaron ambos
expresando estar en todo conforme, y ser la
verdad en cargo del juramento que han pres
tado que son de la edad que tienen declara
da y firmo su mrd con los dichos D.n Agustin
é Ynterpretes franceses, lo que no hicieron los de la
nacion Mina y el Negro Jaco por no saber
de que doy fee
Vidal Au. Allain Juan Josef Duforest
Dan.l Mortimer
Pedro Pedesclaux
events upon hearing which the said Don Agustin
said that what the Black said was false
and that it is true that in his presence he answered
what he had related in his declaration,
recognizing in his hearing, that Don Agustin
understood well the responses that the Black
gave in French, and the latter the questions,
that the former asked him in the same language
with which this hearing was concluded the contents
of which were confirmed and ratified by both
saying that it was completely in agreement, and was the
truth under the oath that they had given
that they are the age they had declared
and his honor signed with the said Don Agustin
and French Interpreters, which those of the Mina
nation and the Black Jaco did not do because they did not know how
which I attest
Vidal Augustin Allain Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
said that what the Black said was false
and that it is true that in his presence he answered
what he had related in his declaration,
recognizing in his hearing, that Don Agustin
understood well the responses that the Black
gave in French, and the latter the questions,
that the former asked him in the same language
with which this hearing was concluded the contents
of which were confirmed and ratified by both
saying that it was completely in agreement, and was the
truth under the oath that they had given
that they are the age they had declared
and his honor signed with the said Don Agustin
and French Interpreters, which those of the Mina
nation and the Black Jaco did not do because they did not know how
which I attest
Vidal Augustin Allain Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
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