Minas querian levantarse contra los blancos
le contesto Jacoq eu su intento havia sido sola
mente irse simarron; dixo el Negro Jaco
que era verdad q.e a presencia de D.n Agustin Allain
le havia preguntado el Comandante D.n Valen
tin Leblanc, si el y los otros Negros Minas
querian levantarse contra los blancos, y ma
tarlos y que le respondio que no havian
tenido tales intenciones, porque en guinea
su tierra no mataban blancos, y que que
recurso tendrian aqui se los mataban, no
haviendoles hecho daño alguno a los negros:
Y que tampoco le dixo al comandante que
su intento havia sido irse simarron, sino
que aunque en otra ocasion se le hizo la
propuesta por alguno el no consintio porque
dixo que su amo no lo trataba mal, y que
asi nunca se havia huido antes de este
le contesto Jacoq eu su intento havia sido sola
mente irse simarron; dixo el Negro Jaco
que era verdad q.e a presencia de D.n Agustin Allain
le havia preguntado el Comandante D.n Valen
tin Leblanc, si el y los otros Negros Minas
querian levantarse contra los blancos, y ma
tarlos y que le respondio que no havian
tenido tales intenciones, porque en guinea
su tierra no mataban blancos, y que que
recurso tendrian aqui se los mataban, no
haviendoles hecho daño alguno a los negros:
Y que tampoco le dixo al comandante que
su intento havia sido irse simarron, sino
que aunque en otra ocasion se le hizo la
propuesta por alguno el no consintio porque
dixo que su amo no lo trataba mal, y que
asi nunca se havia huido antes de este
Blacks wanted to rise up against the whites
Jaco answered him that his intention had only been
to run away; the Black Jaco said that
it was true that in the presence of Don Agustin Allain
the Commander Don Valentin Leblanc had
asked him, if he and the other Minas Blacks
wanted to rise up against the whites, and kill
them and that he told him that they did not
have such an intention, because in their land of
guinea they did not kill whites, and that what
recourse would they have here if they killed them, with them not
having done any harm to the blacks:
And that neither did he say to the commander that
his intention had been to run away, only
that although on another occasion someone
had made him the proposal he did not agree because
he said that his master did not treat him badly, and that
therefore he had never run away before these
Jaco answered him that his intention had only been
to run away; the Black Jaco said that
it was true that in the presence of Don Agustin Allain
the Commander Don Valentin Leblanc had
asked him, if he and the other Minas Blacks
wanted to rise up against the whites, and kill
them and that he told him that they did not
have such an intention, because in their land of
guinea they did not kill whites, and that what
recourse would they have here if they killed them, with them not
having done any harm to the blacks:
And that neither did he say to the commander that
his intention had been to run away, only
that although on another occasion someone
had made him the proposal he did not agree because
he said that his master did not treat him badly, and that
therefore he had never run away before these