niente Gobernador comparecer al Negro Ja
co a quien esta D.n Agustin Allain en su
declaracion de diez y ocho del corriente mes
para el proprio fin que el antecedente, y
nuevamente recivio su mrd juramento al
dicho D.n Agustin por medio de los Ynterpretes
D.n Juan Josef Duforest, y D.n Daniel Mor
timer y lo hizo por la cruz de su Espada
puesta la mano derecha en ella, como asi
mismo al referido Negro Jaco, quien lo hizo
por Dios en cuya existencia dixo creia
pro medio de los Ynterpretes de su nacion
y haviendole preguntado el expresado D.n
Agustin Allain al Negro Jaco sino era
cierto que quando lo examino el Coman
dante D.n Valentin Leblanc enpresen
cia del mismo D.n Agustin sobre si
era cierto, que el y los demas Negros
co a quien esta D.n Agustin Allain en su
declaracion de diez y ocho del corriente mes
para el proprio fin que el antecedente, y
nuevamente recivio su mrd juramento al
dicho D.n Agustin por medio de los Ynterpretes
D.n Juan Josef Duforest, y D.n Daniel Mor
timer y lo hizo por la cruz de su Espada
puesta la mano derecha en ella, como asi
mismo al referido Negro Jaco, quien lo hizo
por Dios en cuya existencia dixo creia
pro medio de los Ynterpretes de su nacion
y haviendole preguntado el expresado D.n
Agustin Allain al Negro Jaco sino era
cierto que quando lo examino el Coman
dante D.n Valentin Leblanc enpresen
cia del mismo D.n Agustin sobre si
era cierto, que el y los demas Negros
Lieutenant Governor made the Black Jaco appear
who is in Don Agustin Allain’s
declaration from the eighteenth of the current month
for the same purpose as the prior hearing, and
his Honor received again the oath from the
said Don Agustin through the Interpreters
Don Juan Josef Duforest, and Don Daniel Mortimer
and he gave it by the cross of his Sword
with his right hand placed on it, as well as
from the said Black Jaco, who gave it
by God in whose existence he said he believes
through the Interpreters of his nation
and with the said Don Agustin Allain having
asked the Black Jaco if it was not
true that when the Commander Don Valentin
Leblanc examined him in the presence
of the same Don Agustin about whether
it was true, that he and the rest of the Minas
who is in Don Agustin Allain’s
declaration from the eighteenth of the current month
for the same purpose as the prior hearing, and
his Honor received again the oath from the
said Don Agustin through the Interpreters
Don Juan Josef Duforest, and Don Daniel Mortimer
and he gave it by the cross of his Sword
with his right hand placed on it, as well as
from the said Black Jaco, who gave it
by God in whose existence he said he believes
through the Interpreters of his nation
and with the said Don Agustin Allain having
asked the Black Jaco if it was not
true that when the Commander Don Valentin
Leblanc examined him in the presence
of the same Don Agustin about whether
it was true, that he and the rest of the Minas