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Nueva Orleans 17 de Enero de 1793
Siendo citados por D.n Valentin Leblanc en
su informe de treinta de Marzo del año pro
ximo pasado ademas de los sujetos que ante
riormente han declarado el Capitan de Mi
licias D.n Fran.co Allain, D.n Alexandro Le
blanc y Eustaquio bedel, Monsieur Lartigue
y respecto a hallarse en esta ciudad los tres
primeros, hagaseles saber que comparescan
a dar sus declaraciones ante el Señor
Theniente Gobernador, y Auditor de Guerra
sobre lo que convenga preguntarles y es
cribase Carta al actual Comandante de
Punta Cortada a fin que notifique a los de
mas expresados, como anteriormente se le
ha mandado, por orden comunicado en
el mes proximo pasado que se pre
New Orleans January 17 1793
The following being named by Don Valentin Leblanc in his
report of the thirtieth of March of last
year in addition to those persons that already
have given declarations the Captain of
the Militias Don Francisco Allain, Don Alexandro Le
blanc and Eustaquio bedel, Monsieur Lartigue
and as the first three being in this
city, let them be informed that they should appear
to give their declarations before the Señor
Lieutenant Governor, and Judge-Advocate
about what it is deemed appropriate to ask them and
let a Letter be written to the current Commander of
Punta Cortada so that he notify the rest of those
named, as he has been ordered to
before, by an order sent last
month that they appear
